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First Sunday in Lent 9th of March 2025

7.30am Holy Communion (Anglican Prayer Book) 
9.15am Sung Eucharist (Anglican Prayer Book) 
11am Family Service 
6.30pm Evening Contemplative Service via Zoom       

8am Daily Morning Prayer (weekdays) 
6pm Daily Evening Prayer (weekdays) 
10am Wednesday – Holy Communion (BCP)

Getting to know you at Christ Church:
Refreshments are served after the two morning services on Sunday - please join us for a cuppa and a chat.
Church 'Officials' and many parishioners wear name badges - this helps us to get to know one another and to recognise new faces. If you are new, please make yourself known to someone wearing a badge.

Clergy Bio

Terry Lester

Terry was made deacon on 16th December 1984 and served his first curacy at All Saint’s in Plumstead, where he was baptised and where he met and later married Colleen Beyer. He trained at St John’s College, Nottingham, UK from 1981 to mid-1984 a few years after completing matric in 1978 at South Peninsula High in Steurhof. Terry has served in various capacities both in the undivided and what is now the Diocese of Cape Town. Colleen died in October of 2017, 20 years after having been first diagnosed with breast cancer aged 32. Their three adult children have all since married and Terry is grandfather to four, two boys and two girls. Terry married Nicolette on 28th January 2023. She has two daughters Sydnee aged 21 and Kathryn, aged 16. Terry’s mother, Joyce, still lives in the family home in Grassy Park where Terry spent most of his growing up years after the family moved from Strawberry Lane in Constantia on 15th July 1965.

Terry describes himself as having both feet firmly in the High Church tradition of Anglicanism with a healthy and high regard for scripture and the preaching tradition, an emphasis he embraced from his training at an Evangelical theological institution which opened him up to the other end of Anglicanism. He has served the community of Constantia for over twelve years and believes in being the ‘Parish Church’ and serving the community. Our worshipping community is diverse and quite unique as it consists of those who previously resided here and who, because of our country’s racially divided past, were forced by law into leaving. South Africa is a different place today to our shameful past, so building community remains a huge driving force and motivation for Terry so that we do reflect in our life and witness what it means to be the Body of Christ here at Christ Church, Constantia. Recently he was asked to serve as Acting Archdeacon to the Archdeaconry of Ibongolethu which include Gugulethu, Langa, Nyanga, Eluvukweni (Crossroads), Heideveld, Bonteheuvel and Manenberg.

Jeremy Smith

Revd. Jeremy's journey up to now, has been marked by dedication, faithfulness and a deep commitment to serving God and His people. Jeremy was ordained as a deacon on the 12th of February 2023 and the steps towards priesthood came full circle on the 3rd December 2023 at St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town. Throughout his journey, Jeremy's passion for ministry, coupled with his love for learning and growth, has been evident to all who know him.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Jeremy is known for his warm and welcoming spirit, his compassionate heart, and his unwavering commitment to serving others. He finds joy in building community, fostering meaningful connections, and sharing God's love with all whom he encounters.

Words from Jeremy:- As a curate, I am aware this this role anticipates a move but I have come to love the people here at Christ Church Constantia. Together with my family we are thankful for the people, relationships and moments we share during this time.

Jeremy has played an energetic role in the leadership and pastoral care of our church community. Thank you Jeremy and Robyn for both being such an integral part of Christ Church Constantia.

2024 Parish Council and Exco being sworn in

From left to right:
Sarah Fenton, Donald Todd, Ruth Chalmers, Rev Jeremy Smith, Archdeacon of Constantia Mkhuseli Lajabe, Gary Buchanan, Sue Helm, Helen Constantine, Saskia Emary.
Inserts: Creagh Sudding and Carol-Ann Lawrence

Parish Council

Helen Constantine
Saskia Emary
Sarah Fenton
Carol- Anne Lawrence
Donald Todd


Gary Buchanan
Ruth Chalmers
Sue Helm
Creagh Sudding

Youth Church

Our ministry to young people has grown and developed over the last few years. We are inclusive and believe in a child-centred approach where every child matters. To ensure that our ministry is engaging and age appropriate, we have divided our youth into two groups - Junior Church for children from five to twelve years and CC Teens for young people from thirteen to twenty years of age.

Junior Church takes place in the hall at 9 am every Sunday during the school term. The aim of Junior Church is to create a safe space where children can learn about God’s word through fun and fellowship.

The lessons, which are devised by our experienced youth workers Utah and Robyn, are based on the weekly readings from the lectionary. Therefore, with the lessons taught at Sunday school mirroring the readings being read in church, the intention is for the children to be able to engage with their parents about what they have learnt. Lessons are interactive, creative and engaging.

In addition, Junior Church holds a social evening on the fourth Friday of every month from 5 till 7.30 pm where children can engage in a range of creative activities and enjoy some fun and fellowship.

CC Teens holds Diving Deep sessions on the first and third Fridays of each month during term time from 6 till 9 pm. The aim of Diving Deep is to create a safe space where our young people can wrestle with their real-life experiences, challenges and questions and develop the skills to live out the values and principles of their faith amidst these challenges. They are encouraged to become critically cognitive of theworld around them as well as develop their voice and stance in the world. As well as the Diving Deep discussions, CC Teens regularly enjoy engaging social activities such as Survivor, Amazing Race, hiking, bowling, braais, etc.

Diving Deep is a place where, through knowledge, reflection and critical thinking, our young people can grow in character, faith and their relationship with God and build deeper friendships and their peers.

For more information, please contact Utah Hannival on 083 874 0553 or Robyn Smith on 073 339 5908.



Pastoral Outreach – A glipse of who we help and support…

Thirty-four bags of clothes were sorted in October. These were sent to the Salvation Army, Happy Valley, Douglas Murray Home, City Missions and New Hope SA. A huge vote of thanks to the energetic team of sorters.

A total of R24 300 is donated every month to our regular recipients:
R3000 Murray Home for the Aged;
R1300 Emmanuel Educare;
R1000 Fikelela Child and Youth Care Centre;
R1300 GAPA (Grandmothers Against Povertyand Aids);
R2000 Hout Bay Christian CommunityAssociation;
R 800 The Life Matters Foundation;
R2000 Leliebloem House;
R2000 Margaret’s House;
R 600 Sisters Incorporated;
R1500 St George’s Home for Girls, Wynberg;
R1000 St Timothy’s Church, Factreton;
R1800 Sunrise Special Care Centre;
R1000 Young Legends South Africa;
R2500 Vrygrond Community Reading Centre;
R2500 Westlake United Church Trust.

This year, we will use the Christmas appeal donations to continue this funding into 2025. Please make your donations into the church bank account, using the reference Christmas Appeal or make use of the donation boxes in the church with the “Giving Where it Matters” logo on them.- Carol-Ann Lawrence