Pew Leaflet


7.30am Service (APB)
Readers: Sandra Bentley-Green, † Christopher Gregorowski
Lay Ministers: Grant McWilliams, Connell Davids.
Presider/Preacher: † Christopher Gregorowski
Server: Ruth Chalmers
Stewards: Vicki & Chris Muller, Paddy McPherson
Organist: Chandler White
Introit: AM 170 – The Church’s one foundation (omit v3)
Offertory: AM 249 – Take my life
Recessional: AM 172- Glorious things of thee are spoken
(omit v3)

9.15am Service (APB)

Readers: Sue Helm, † Christopher Gregorowski
Lay Ministers: Sue Helm, Haidee Williams, Diane Abrahams
Presider/Preacher: † Christopher Gregorowski
Servers: Gerald Swartz, James Jaftha, Caroline Isted, Liam Hendricks
Streamer: Grant McWilliams
Stewards: Mary Daniels, Erica Williams, Bob Summers
Organist: Chandler White
Introit: AM 170 – The Church’s one foundation (omit v3)
Gradual: SOF 1066 – Thy word
Offertory: AM 249 – Take my life
Communion: SOF 330 – Let us break bread together
SOF 422 - O Lord hear my prayer
Recessional: AM 172 - Glorious things of thee are spoken
(omit v3)

11.00am Family Service
Leader: Jeremy Smith
Pianist: Chandler White
Hymns: 31 – I am a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-A-N
9 – Count your blessings
7 – Brother let me be your servant

6.30pm Live Zoom Contemplative Service
Join us on Sunday evenings, 18h20 for 18h30 to 19h00.
DRLVW1LQVRXdz09 Or type in this ID: 316 063 1292.
Passcode: LOVE


God of grace and glory
your Son revealed your power in many signs:
transform our everyday lives
and make us worthy of our calling
to serve the world in your name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and for ever. Amen.

Psalm 36: 5-10

5 Your unfailing kindness, O Lord, is in the heavens:
and your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.
6 Your righteousness is like the strong mountains:
and your justice as the great deep;
you, O Lord, save both man and beast.
7 How precious, O God, is your enduring kindness:
the children of Adam shall take refuge
under the shadow of your wings.
8 They shall be satisfied
with the good things of your house:
and you will give them drink
from the river of your delights.
9 For with you is the well of life:
and in your light shall we see light.
10 O continue your merciful kindness
toward those who know you:
and your righteous dealing
to those that are true of heart.

Isaiah 62: 1-5 1                    Corinthians 12: 1-11
Psalm 36: 5-10 J                   ohn 2: 1-11


Wine Visit – Thursday 23rd January @ 11am in the hall.
Lomond Wines will be coming up from Cape Agulhas. Lunch will follow at R160 with an extra R25 to go to a charity, to be advised. Book with Paddy before 20th Jan 021 761 7515 or

Farewell service for Terry – 26th January
There will be one service at 8am, followed by bring and share farewell tea in the hall. Terry will be installed at the Cathedral on Sunday 2nd Feb @ 4pm. We encourage you to attend this important occasion.

Christ Church Concert – Sunday 2nd February @ 3pm
Andrew Young and Tony Drake present Rockin’ all over the world. Expect a concert filled with passion, adventure and global sounds. Tickets are R170 and unreserved seating can be booked on Quicket or by calling Anne on 082 218 0100.

Christ Church Constantia – Bank details:
Standard Bank, Constantia, branch code: 25309,
account number: 071 699 120

Today: Terry is licensing the new priest at St Columba Gugulethu.
Monday – Service at Anchusa 11am
Tuesday – Service at Cle Du Cap – 4.30pm

Mark 2: 18-22 Mark 3: 7-12
Mark 2: 23-38 Mark 3: 13-19a
Mark 3: 1-6 Mark 3: 19b-30

Nehemiah 8: 1-3,5-6,8-10                   1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a
Psalm 19                    Luke 4: 14-21