7.30am Service (APB)
Readers: Norman Jobson, †Christopher Gregorowski
Lay Ministers: Bruce Probyn, Donald Todd
Presider/Preacher: † Christopher Gregorowski
Server: Ruth Chalmers
Stewards: Jean Avis, Trish Macleod
Organist: Jeremy Quickfall
Introit: AM 56 – Forty days and forty nights
Offertory: AM 217 – Be thou my guardian and my guide
Recessional: AM 343 – Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart
9.15am Service (APB)
Readers: Roger Steward, †Christopher Gregorowski
Lay Ministers: Haidee Williams, Marvel Billett, Sue Helm
Presider/Preacher: †Christopher Gregorowski
Servers: James Jaftha, Gerald Swartz, Liam & Leighya Hendricks
Streamer: Donald Todd
Stewards: Erica Williams, Mary Daniels, Michael Barrett
Organist: Jeremy Quickfall
Introit: AM 56 – Forty days and forty nights
Gradual: AM 217 – Be thou my guardian and my guide
Offertory: AM 99 – O God our help in ages past
Communion: AM 216 – O God of Bethel
AM 224 – Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Recessional: AM 343 – Be thou, my vision, O Lord of my heart
11.00am Family Service
Leader: Jeremy Smith
Pianist: Jeremy Quickfall
Hymns: 50 - Morning has broken
55 – Peace like a river
68 – Trust and obey
6.30pm Live Zoom Contemplative Service
Join us on Sunday evenings, 18h20 for 18h30 to 19h00.
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God of mercy,
Jesus found a sure defence in your word:
strengthen us to persevere faithfully as we confront the temptations of life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and theHoly Spirit,
one God,
now and for ever.
Psalm 91: 1-2,9-16
1 Those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High:
who abide under the shadow of the Almighty,
2 They will say to the Lord ‘You are my refuge and my stronghold:
my God in whom I trust.’
9 The Lord himself is your refuge:
you have made the Most High your stronghold.
10 Therefore no harm will befall you:
nor will any scourge come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels:
to keep you in all your ways.
12 They will bear you up in their hands:
lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the adder:
the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.
14 ‘You have set your love upon me,’ says the Lord,
‘and therefore I will deliver you:
I will lift you out of danger,
because you have known my name.
15 ‘When you call upon me I will answer you:
I will be with you in trouble,
I will rescue you and bring you to honour.
16 ‘With long life I will satisfy you:
and fill you with my salvation.’
Deuteronomy 26: 1-11 Romans 10: 8b-13
Psalm 91: 1-2,9-16 Luke 4: 1-13
Lent Course
Sign-up forms are at the back of the church.
Vestry meeting – Monday 10th March @ 7pm
Nomination forms and Vestry reports are at the back of the church.
Seniors Tea – Tuesday 11 March at 11 am
Contact Riekie Barrett 083 455 5600 for more details.
Wine Visit - Thursday 27th March
Adi Badenhorst will be coming to the church hall with his wines for a tasting at 11am. Lunch will follow as usual. Book with Paddy (021 761 7515) or paddymcphers@mweb.co.za
Christ Church Concert – Sunday 6th April @ 3pm
Teachers from Beau Soleil perform Schubert’s “Trout” Quintet; also on the programme are quartets by Mozart and Turina. Tickets are R170 (unreserved seating) available from Quicket or call Anne on 082 218 0100.
Monday 10th – Vestry meeting @ 7pm
Tuesday 11th – Seniors tea @ 11am
Wednesday 12th – Lent course at 11am and 7pm
Thursday 13th – Service at Riverside @ 10.30pm
Matthew 25: 31-46 Matthew 7: 7-12
Matthew 6: 7-15 Matthew 5: 20-26
Luke 11: 29-32 Matthew 5: 43-48
Genesis 15: 1-12,17-18 Philippians 3: 17-4: 1
Psalm 27 Luke 13: 31-35